It's weird, we have rules for a reason. Especially in art. There are things that you need to do to make a piece successful, and yet often it's those who reject those rules that find the most success and are often seen as genius or visionary. William Klein is one of these. Trained as a painter, Klein had no training at all in the field of photography when his images began to find there way into the public eye. And he blatantly rejected the rules of his day regarding picture taking. Klein has an eye for people, and seems to do more than just take pictures. I especially enjoyed the stories that went along with his images and seeing the pictures that were taken moments before and after a particular frame.
I thought Elliot Erwitt had a wonderful sense of humor, which no doubt aided him in his photgraphic endeavors. I enjoyed his anecdotes from his pictures and enjoyed that he also showed the images immediatley befne and following one particular image.Theres not much information available on Erwitt but from his pictures i can surmise that he went after an image with a paparazi-like fervor, and that he did it for no other reason than his artistic sensiblities.While i couldnt find it online i particularly liked the image of the baby carriage next to the line of white dressed women.