Wednesday, October 20, 2010

1st critique

One of the strongest images was the one of a well dressed, fashionable Young lady leaning against a wall that was fading, torn, and dilapidated. Refuse and paint chips andbits of wall were scattered on the floor. The subject was perfectly contrasted by the derelict shape of her surroundings. She was a beautiful, fancy, high class woman surrounded by debri. Not only did the subject work well in her environment, but her position in the picture plane felt like it was very thought out and purposeful. Her whole body was in the frame and wasnt centered, and the lines called the viewers attention to all corners of the image.

 While i didn't think any of the images that day were perticularly weak, i'd have to say the weakest was the image of the grandchildren and friends against the fence. It was a nice picture but artistically it just didnt seem to have a lot going for it. If it was in a photo album i wouldnt glance at it for longer than a second before i moved on to the next image. Unless you know the subjects it just isnt very interesting, and theres nothing aesthetically about it that keeps the viewers attention or even draws it in the first place.

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